
Find information on buying or selling a home here:

Talk to your solicitor

Buying or selling a home is probably one of the biggest financial transactions that you will make in your life.

The process can be complex, and proper preparation can help to avoid delays, stress, or financial loss.

The Law Society strongly recommends contacting a solicitor to give you legal advice as early as possible whether you are buying or selling a home. Your solicitor can advise you on important issues to consider when buying or selling the home.

Speed up your property sale

A new guide can help consumers to avoid delays when selling a property in Ireland.

The guide has been published by the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland and the Law Society of Ireland with the aim of speeding up property sales.

Get a quote

Get a Quote is a pilot project to help members of the public get quotations from solicitors' firms for certain legal services.

Firms participating in the pilot will provide initial quotations for potential clients looking to buy or sell a property.