CPD Scheme

Keep up-to-date with your CPD requirements - see the regulations and documentation for the Scheme for the current year and recent years.

2025 Cycle

The booklet and record card for the 2025 CPD cycle are now available.

CPD Cycle

The Regulations and related Scheme documentation vary depending on the relevant cycle of CPD.

By clicking on any of the CPD cycles below, you will be directed to the appropriate documentation for that cycle:

Practising Certificate

Think before you tick! Do not mislead the Law Society when you certify that you have completed your CPD requirements as part of the Practising Certificate process.

Data Protection Policy 

Application Forms

See below for information on the application process for applying for:

Extension of Time – How to apply 

Solicitors should first contact the CPD Scheme Unit and advise of their circumstances. You will then be required to submit an online application for an extension of time, which should include details and proofs of any CPD completed in such particular cycle, together with confirmation from your employer of your working arrangements during the cycle in question (where applicable). Please ensure you are logged into the Law Society website, with your solicitor number, prior to submitting your application for an extension of time. Upon receipt, the application for an extension of time shall then be referred to the Education Committee for consideration.

Alternatively, send your application by email to cpdscheme@lawsociety.ie or by post to the CPD Scheme Unit, Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7.  

Special Dispensation – How to apply 

Solicitors seeking special dispensation (due to illness or extenuating circumstances) from the minimum CPD requirement should first contact the CPD Scheme Unit and advise of their circumstances. You will then be required to submit an online application for special dispensation, which should include details and proofs of any CPD completed in such particular cycle.  A medical certificate (in cases of an application based on illness) and written verification from your employer confirming the dates of any leave taken during the cycle in question. Please ensure you are logged into the Law Society website, with your solicitor number, prior to submitting your application for special dispensation. The application for special dispensation shall then be referred to the Education Committee for consideration.

Alternatively, send your application by email to cpdscheme@lawsociety.ie or by post to the CPD Scheme Unit, Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please email the CPD Scheme Unit or call 01 672 4802.