General Knowledge paper

(1 hour and 30 minutes)

Examiner: Dr Eoin O’ Malley, Associate Professor in Political Science, Dublin City University

This one-and-a-half hour paper is designed to test your knowledge, awareness and understanding of the world about you. Candidates will be expected to answer short questions on aspects of current affairs and politics (including matters outlined in the Irish Government & Politics and EC modules listed under Paper 3), the arts, sports and general knowledge.

Some questions will be set to encompass events within the previous 12 months, as reported in the media (eg. you will be expected to identify notable geographical locations mentioned in news reports, major sporting and cultural events, and newsworthy people).  Other questions will require you to exhibit a broad knowledge of, for example, major Irish and international institutions, common abbreviations, major historical events and well-established names and titles in music, literature and the arts. There is no prescribed syllabus and no recommended text. 

Candidates should be attentive to newspaper and broadcasting and will find Ireland - A Directory published by the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) useful.