Frequently asked questions - Diploma Centre

For everything you need to know about the application process, including terms and conditions, discounts, attending our courses, examinations and assessments, see below.

Privacy statement

Please note that our Privacy Statement has been amended on 10 January 2019 to reflect that successful completion of specific courses may involve participation in certain group activities, which may in certain cases, necessitate the sharing of email and contact details with the facilitators of such activities, or any students who are involved in the activity. To view this Privacy Statement please click on the hyperlink provided.

Applications and Fees

Terms and Conditions 

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in these pages is accurate and up to date. The Diploma Centre reserves the right to change the courses being offered, and course prices may be subject to change. The circumstances for these changes may be beyond our control. In the unlikely event that the Diploma Centre needs to cancel or reschedule a course, all fees are fully refundable.

Due to space limitations we cannot guarantee that places will be available for any particular course and we advise signing up as possible. Course participant cancellations will only be accepted if submitted in writing no later than two weeks before the start of the course. Refunds may be subject to an administration charge. Fees are required to be paid in full prior to receiving log on access to online course materials. Fees will not be refunded once the course has started. Course fees are non-transferable.

Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of the information presented in our prospectus, on the Diploma Centre web pages, in personal communications, during course modules, and in all written materials. However, the Diploma Centre is not responsible for errors or omissions and makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the contents of the material delivered. The Diploma Centre cannot be held responsible for any consequences from the application of the information contained on the website or in the lectures, manuals, printed materials, and other communication and training provided.

We reserve the right to change the above terms and conditions.

What is the deadline for applications?

Each course has a deadline of at least two weeks prior to course commencement, which is stated on the course webpage. Check the webpage to confirm if applications are still open after this deadline. Places are available on a first come first served basis. In order to secure a place on a course, we must first receive a completed application form and payment in full. We strongly encourage you to apply for courses as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Unfortunately, we are not in a position to hold spaces on courses without payment.

Can I start a course after it has started?

Should you wish to join a course after the course has commenced, please contact the Diploma Team by email at: to check if there are places available and what lectures/workshops have already taken place. We will assist you in every way possible and encourage you to access previously released lecture papers and to watch the lecture videos, all of which are available on the online Diploma Hub. However, you should note that from a learning perspective joining the course following its commencement is not the optimal option. We would ask you to fully satisfy yourself that you will be in a position to devote the necessary time to the course because once registered the course fee is non-transferable and non-refundable and you will be required to complete the final examination in order to attain the qualification.

Are there any discounts available for jobseeker solicitors?

A 20% discount is currently available for jobseeker solicitors*. Please state on the application form that you are relying on this discount and forward together with payment to the Diploma Team. If you have any queries, please contact the Diploma Team prior to sending in your payment and application by email to 

Please note that you may be entitled to a further 10% discount if you have attended two or more certificates or diplomas in the Law Society (ie a 30% discount in total - see below).

*Solicitor means solicitor who is a member of the Law Society of Ireland

Note:   No discounts apply to the masters or doctorate programmes.

I am not a solicitor/barrister/trainee – can I apply?

While our courses are primarily aimed at members of the solicitors' profession, for certain courses we also accept applications from other suitably qualified professionals. For specific entry requirements, please refer to individual courses on the Diploma Centre Course List webpage.

Please submit your completed application form, together with a curriculum vitae and cover letter for review. Your cover letter should provide a brief statement of the background to your application and your specific interest in the chosen course. We will advise you as soon as possible as to the status of your application. In certain cases, we may arrange to meet with you for a brief interview.

If I have completed previous diploma or certificate courses will I be entitled to a loyalty discount on my current application?

Where an applicant has paid for two Diploma Centre certificates or diploma courses the applicant is entitled to a 10% discount on subsequent diploma courses. This excludes the Certificate in Technology Law and Introduction to Arts and Entertainment and Media in 2020 which were offered to non-members at a greatly reduced cost. It also excludes any MOOC Certificate of Completion.

Are there any loyalty discounts available for multiple applications from the same firm?

When a firm (or employees paying for themselves from a firm) is paying for three or more solicitors who are attending the same diploma there is a 10% discount on each of those applications. Please note all such applications must be received together in order for this discount to apply.


  • A 20% discount is available for unemployed solicitors*
  • A 10% discount is available for trainee solicitors*.
  • When a firm is paying for three or more solicitors* to attend the same diploma course, there is a 10% discount on each application. All such applications must be submitted together.
  • Where an applicant has paid for two Diploma Centre certificates or diploma courses the applicant is entitled to a 10% discount on subsequent diploma courses (see exclusions noted above).

*Solicitor means a solicitor who is a member of the Law Society of Ireland

Note:   No discounts apply to the masters or doctorate programmes.

What is the procedure if I require an invoice in order to pursue my application?

If an invoice is required to discharge fees please notify the Diploma Team in advance of submitting your application. If your organization requires a Purchase Order number we must be advised before we can issue an invoice. We also require the addressee and postal address, if different to those on the application form. Please note that if you are relying on an invoice it is your responsibility to ensure that payment is received by the Diploma Team in advance of the start date of the course.  

Does payment for my course qualify for tax relief?

Most of the Diploma Centre course fees, paid by individuals, do not qualify for personal tax relief. The Higher Education & Training Awards Council (HETAC) administers tax relief on behalf of the Revenue Commissioners for approved courses. Under their codes there are specific requirements in respect of programs and at present only the following Diploma Centre courses, listed on the Revenue's website under 'Postgraduate Courses in Public and Private Colleges', qualify:

  • Diploma in Law
  • LLM Advanced Legal Practice 
  • Professional Doctorate in Law

If your employer is paying the course fee then such payment may in certain circumstances be tax deductible for them on the basis that it is an allowable business expense. However, for definitive clarification it would be advisable to contact the Revenue Commissioners.

Register your interest

Are you interested in receiving updates from the Diploma Centre on upcoming courses? You can register your interest, and we will contact you once your requested course is open for applications.

IT/Learning Approach

What is the Diploma Hub?

The Diploma Hub is a learning management system but is effectively a "website". The Diploma Team uses it as a learning tool. The site is designed to keep you informed about all aspects of the course you are attending and will contain the links to the lecture capture facility. The site will also act as a repository for course schedule information, course materials and as a point of access to lecture captures (if applicable). Access to Diploma Hub is only for the duration of your particular diploma or certificate course and will be withdrawn upon course completion. At the start of your course there will be an introductory lecture during which you will be shown how to use and access this site. All course participants are given a login and password at course commencement.

How do I log in to Diploma Hub?

  • In the Browser bar type the following address:
  • To gain access to Diploma Hub, you will need to enter the unique username and password provided to you by the Diploma Team.
  • Your username for the website will be numerical. You will be advised of your unique numerical username when starting the course.
  • The initial password that is assigned to you is set to the default value of 'changeme'.
  • So, for example, type "123456" as your username and then enter 'changeme' as the default password. You will be prompted to change your password to something that you choose yourself the first time you log in to the site.
  • Please email or call 01 672 4802 for guidance if you have any difficulties logging in.

Why are lectures recorded?

Lectures are captured 'live' on our secure internet site using Panopto, the leading online video platform for businesses and universities. The lecture captures will remain on the Diploma Hub for the duration of the course. Participants watching the lecture capture live can submit questions in the 'Discussion' area of ​​the Panopto link, and questions will be brought to the lecturer's attention at the end of their lecture.

How do I test to see if I can watch a lecture from my office/home computer?

If you intend to avail of the lecture capture facility, we ask that you ensure prior to the application process that your home/office PC is compatible with the relevant software. This requires a very straightforward test, go to:

Username : testwebcast
Password : testwebcast

If you cannot view the lecture, follow the instructions provided. There may be local factors such as 'firewalls' and we suggest that in the first instance you check with your IT provider.

For more about lecture capturing and the Diploma Centre's 'mobile professional learning' project, read about our learning approach .


What is the format of the Diploma examination?

All Law Society of Ireland Diploma Centre examinations are closed book unless otherwise noted. You will be informed of your examination number once you are registered on the course. The time and venue for the exam(s) will be confirmed closer to the date of the exam(s). Please ensure that we have your correct email and postal address on file. Any changes to contact details after course registration should be emailed to

Exam results will be communicated on Diploma Hub approximately 12 weeks after the examination has taken place via your profile which is completely secure and only you can access.

Diploma/Certificates will be awarded on a Pass (50% and above) / Fail (49% and below) basis.  

Will there be a second sitting examination?

Participants must sit an examination(s) the first time it is offered in order to be eligible to sit the second examination sitting. There is no guarantee, however, that second sitting sessions will be offered in all subjects. If a student is ill and cannot attend the first sitting of an examination, a medical certificate must be submitted to the Diploma Exams Team. Other extenuating circumstances will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and must be made in writing to

NB: Where the final mark for a course is awarded through a combination of a continuous assessment element (tasks and/or quizzes) and a final exam, students are permitted to re-sit the exam portion only in the case of a fail or deferral. The marks already obtained from the tasks and/or quizzes portion of the course will carry forward and cannot be re-taken.

The fee to repeat an examination is €250. For students who failed their first examination sitting, their result at any subsequent sitting will be capped at the passing grade, namely 50%.

I require adapted arrangements to access the course – how do I arrange it?

If you require additional supports to assist with your participation in the course then please contact the Diploma Team as early as possible, not later than one month before the commencement of the course, with full details of how we can assist.

I require adapted arrangements to take the examination – how do I arrange it?

Participants who require adapted arrangements for examinations due to illness, disability or specific learning difficulties, should contact a member of the Diploma Team at least two months in advance of examinations. This timeframe will only be reviewed in exceptional circumstances. Candidates will be required to provide medical evidence or supporting documentation from a consultant/specialist or educational psychologist. This enables the appropriate adapted arrangements to be put in place. A copy of the Law Society's Disability Policy is available on request.

Order transcript of results 

You can order a transcript of your certificate or diploma results for a fee of €10 per transcript, using the form in this section. A separate form and fee apply for each course for which you require a transcript.

A transcript is an account of course results, ie confirmation of course completed, dates in attendance at the Diploma Centre (where possible) and grade awarded (where available). The Law Society cannot release details of individual examination results or confirmation of qualifications to any person other than the applicant. It is a legal requirement (under the Data Protection Acts) that any third party obtains a letter of release, signed by the applicant, approving the issue of his/her examination results to a named third party. Results cannot be confirmed over the telephone under any circumstances.

To order a transcript of results, download and complete an application form. Please note the fee for a transcript is  €10 per copy

Please return the completed form and fee to: Examinations Team, Diploma Centre, Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7, DX 79 Dublin.

If you have any queries in relation to transcripts, please contact the Diploma team at .

Conferring Ceremony

When will the conferring ceremony be?

A conferring ceremony will take place in the Law Society after the examination results have been communicated. 

Full details of the ceremony will be communicated in due course. If you do not attend the ceremony your diploma will be posted after the ceremony has taken place.

NFQ (National Framework of Qualifications)

Section 49 of the Solicitors (Amendment) Act, 1994 (the "1994 Act"), which amends Section 40 of the Solicitors Act 1954, sets out the legislative basis under which the Society is empowered to award diplomas and certificates, stating, "the Society may award diplomas, certificates and other awards of merit". Given that the Society is empowered to make awards under separate legislative provisions, the Society has opted to remain outside the National Framework for Qualifications. 

Advanced Elective Credits

If I am a trainee and I complete a diploma or certificate will I get elective credit for my Professional Practice Course?

Diploma Centre courses will give participants a credit for one PPC Advanced Elective. The course of academic study must take place during the training period. Application for such credit must be made with proof of successful completion of the relevant examination/assessment. Examination results may take 12 weeks to issue after an examination has taken place but we try to expedite corrections for PPC II trainees. Trainees will note that although the pitch of diploma courses is at a more advanced level than PPC II courses, there may be an unavoidable overlap in some course content and this may limit your choice of elective subject on the PPCII course. Trainees must advise us that they require their paper expedited at least two weeks in advance of the examination date.

Course Materials

Is it possible to purchase course materials?

Individual materials for a particular module cannot be viewed in isolation but must be interpreted in the context of the overall course syllabus. However, individual materials may be available for purchase on a case-by-case basis for certain topics, generally for a fee of €80.00 per session. Such applications should be made to the relevant Course Leader.


We have designed our courses to enable you to satisfy as much of your CPD requirement for your CPD cycles as possible. Time spent attending lectures and workshops in person, or completing these via e-learning (that is, via the online lecture capture facility) as part of your diploma/certificate course, can be claimed towards your annual CPD requirement. 

The number of hours of CPD that you may claim in relation to your diploma/certificate course will depend on the way in which you access each of the individual sessions. 

Please note, regardless of the number of total hours available for completion of a course, the actual number of CPD hours credited depends on actual hours spent attending in person /viewing online the lectures/workshops, and a system of verification is in place to record and confirm the actual time completed.

For further information please visit the   CPD scheme website. If you have a CPD query that is not related to our courses please contact the CPD Scheme Unit at

The Diploma Centre will host our annual CPD conference for solicitors in November. This is a complimentary event provided for our course participants. Keep an eye on our social media channels for updates on this event.


When is the library open?

The library is open from 9.00am to 5.00pm on Monday to Friday. The library does not open on a Saturday. Diploma participants have access to the Law Society library for the duration of their course. Access the Library webpage here.

Library contact details:

Law Society of Ireland Library
Blackhall Place
Dublin 7
Tel: 01 6724843/4


In order to access the eBooks please contact the library for their username and password. You are then free to borrow the eBooks and read them online for a 3 week period. During this time they also have permission to print 5% and copy 5% of the book. Alternatively, you can also download the ebook to a laptop or memory stick for offline reading but printing or copying will not be available offline. The ebook can be downloaded in a PDF format for a maximum of 7 days. For further information visit the Library webpage and follow the ebooks tab or click here for the library.

Car Parking

How do I get to the Law Society?

For help to find the Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7 location, please click here for the map.

Are there car parking facilities available?

Car parking is available onsite in the Law Society. Places are limited and are available on a first come, first served basis.

In the event that there are no free spaces in the Law Society, there is street parking in the immediate vicinity in respect of which standard rates apply. Alternatively, there are a number of public car parks in the area, including the Smithfield Market Car Park at which hourly rates apply.

Smithfield Market Car Park
Queens St
Dublin 7
Co. Dublin 
(01) 4850846

If there is a Diploma Course you would like to see introduced or if you are interested in lecturing or tutoring on a diploma or certificate course, please contact Claire O'Mahony, Head of Diploma Centre, at  or telephone: 01 672 4802.

Please note that the Law Society of Ireland's Diploma Centre reserves the right to change the courses that may be offered. In addition, course prices may be subject to change and dates for lectures, workshops and exams are current, as at date of publication but may change.

Claire O'Mahony, Solicitor
Head of Diploma Centre

Popular Courses

Find out more about some of our most popular diploma and certificate courses below. 

Contact the Diploma Team


Phone: 01 672 4802