Find a Garda Station Solicitor
This is a list of solicitors as of 26 March 2025. Please ensure this list has been printed today.
Gardaí can search, by division, for a solicitor available to attend their local garda station to provide legal advice and attend interviews. A list of solicitors who can provide legal services to persons detained pursuant to a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is also available.
A garda can print a current, randomised list of available solicitors for their division on the day an individual is detained (in circumstances when a detainee does not nominate their own solicitor).
Select one division or European Arrest Warrant (EAW) from the dropdown menu below. For each division selected, relevant garda stations are displayed on the right. Click on Search for Solicitors and scroll down to view results which will be a randomised list of contact details for solicitors who have registered their details for that division or EAW work. (Results are ordered by county for the selected division, followed by neighbouring counties and then other counties.) If you are a practising solicitor and want to add to the list, contact the Criminal Law Commitee Secretary.
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