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Justice Media Awards 2020 now open for entries

05 Mar 2020 / law society Print

Justice Media Awards 2020 now open for entries

Entries are now being accepted for the Law Society’s Justice Media Awards 2020, with a closing date of 25 March.

This year’s awards ceremony will take place at the Law Society in Blackhall Place on Thursday, 11 June.

The Justice Media Awards recognise outstanding journalism that contributes to the public’s understanding of law and justice, the legal system, or specific legal issues.


The objective of the awards is to give national recognition to published works or broadcasts that follow certain guidelines, including:

  • Promote the highest standards in legal journalism,
  • Foster greater public understanding of the law, the legal system or any specific legal issue,
  • Inform and educate citizens as to the roles in society of the law, the courts, law-enforcement agencies and the legal profession,
  • Disclose practices or procedures needing reform, so as to encourage the development and modernisation of Irish laws, courts and law-enforcement agencies,
  • Assist the legal profession, the judiciary, and all others involved in the administration of justice in attaining the highest professional standards.

The awards have been in existence since 1991 and are the longest, continuously-running media awards in Ireland.

For the full list of categories, entry forms and submission guidelines, visit www.jmawards.ie. The entry form is now available.

Gazette Desk
Gazette.ie is the daily legal news site of the Law Society of Ireland