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Registration open for free CPD
Law Society Pic: Cian Redmond

21 Apr 2020 / Law Society Print

Registration is now open for free online CPD

Complimentary CPD is now available to the profession and registration has now opened for the following courses: 

  • LegalED Talks, delivered with grant funding from Skillnet Ireland who are funded by the Department of Education & Skills, offers insight on practice issues in the light of COVID-19, regulatory matters, IT skills, and wellbeing.
  • Please note: this course is delivered through the Learnskills website, which operates on a separate login system to lawsociety.ie. If you have not used Learnskills before, you will need to create an account to access course content. To register and take part, visit the Learnskills website.
  • The Certificate in Technology Law is designed to give comprehensive coverage to the broad range of legal issues arising from technology law in this digital age. It is also available for free to members, who can register on the Law Society website.
  • The Introduction to Arts, Entertainment & Media Law examines the law affecting the arts, entertainment, and media spaces.
  • Participants in this free online course, will be guided through the practical aspects of the law by experienced legal practitioners, industry representatives and leaders, members of the public sector, and non-governmental organisations.

You can register now on the Law Society website.

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