Law Society President Maura Derivan
Pic: Cian Redmond
President invites members to IAF consultation event
The Law Society’s President Maura Derivan is inviting members to a joint Central Bank of Ireland/Law Society event to discuss the Individual Accountability Framework (IAF). The event will be held at Blackhall Place on 17 April 2023.
As reported on, on 14 March, the Central Bank launched a three-month consultation following enactment of the Central Bank (Individual Accountability Framework) Act 2023.
The regulator is canvassing opinion on key aspects of the implementation of the IAF, including the publication of draft regulations and guidance.
These draft regulations and guidance seek to provide clarity on the Central Bank’s expectations when it implements three aspects of the framework, namely:
- Senior Executive Accountability Framework (SEAR),
- Conduct standards, and
- Certain aspects of enhancements to the fitness and probity regime.
Central Bank Q&A
On 17 April 2023, the joint event by the Law Society and the Central Bank will outline the approach to implementation of key aspects of the new framework.
Central Bank Deputy Governor Derville Rowland will address key aspects of the IAF, followed by an opportunity for questions from the audience with Central Bank representatives.
Date for your diary:
Date: 17 April 2023,
Venue: Presidents’ Hall, Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7,
Time: 9.30am to 10.30am (registration, tea and coffee commences at 8.45am),
RSVP: to confirm your interest in attending and to provide names of your nominees, you will need to register your attendance at Limited places are available.
More details about the Central Bank’s consultation on the IAF is available at
Throughout the consultation process, there will be several opportunities to hear about and provide feedback on the IAF. Keep an eye on the ‘events‘ tab on the Central Bank’s website for future events.
Gazette Desk is the daily legal news site of the Law Society of Ireland