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Solicitors high on British AI-impact list
A study published by Britain’s Department of Education has put solicitors high on the list of occupations or professions that will be most affected by artificial intelligence (AI).
The department says that the report estimates the relative exposure of jobs in Britain to AI, as opposed to the absolute impact of AI.
It attempts to identify which jobs will be more affected than others, though the authors warn that the rankings should be interpreted “with caution”.
The department adds that the lists measure general exposure to AI, rather than distinguishing whether a job will be aided or replaced by the technology.
Large language-modelling
Solicitors rank 12th in the list of occupations most exposed to AI in general, with the top three spots taken by management consultants, financial managers and directors, and accountants, respectively.
Solicitors, however, are placed second in the list of occupations most exposed to large language-modelling AI, behind only telephone salespersons.
“The occupations most exposed to AI include more professional occupations, particularly those associated with more clerical work and across finance, law and business-management roles,” the report states.
Sports players are seen as the occupation least exposed to general AI, along with roofers, roof tilers and slaters.
Gazette Desk
Gazette.ie is the daily legal news site of the Law Society of Ireland