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Solicitor nominated to District Court bench

23 Jan 2019 courts Print

Key judicial jobs confirmed

New appointees have been named for the Circuit Court, the District Court, as well as the General Court of the European Union.

Judge John O'Connor of the District Court is to go to the Circuit Court following the retirement this month of Judge Doirbhile Flanagan.


Meanwhile, solicitor Carol Anne Coolican is to serve on the District Court filling a vacancy following the retirement of Judge Mary Devins in October.

Both Judge Anthony Michael Collins and Judge Colm MacEochaidh are reappointed as two of the 23 judges of the General Court of the EU.

Under section Section 17 (as amended) of the Courts and Court Officers Act 1995, Judicial Appointments Advisory Board procedures do not apply where a sitting judge is nominated for appointment.

The District Court appointment follows the receipt of a list of suitable candidates from the Judicial Appointments Advisory Board.

Judge John O'Connor was educated at University College Dublin, NUI Galway and the Law Society.


He enrolled as a solicitor in October 1980 and became a fellow of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in 2008 and an accredited mediator in 2009. He was appointed to the District Court in 2012.

Solicitor Carol Anne Coolican (pictured) was educated at University College Cork, University College Dublin, Trinity College and the Law Society.

She enrolled as a solicitor in October 1982 and has been the managing solicitor at the Tralee Law Centre of the Legal Aid Board since 1994, with wide experience in family law, child care and civil law

Carol Anne Coolican was chair of the Law Society's Family and Child Law Committee  from 2012-2014.

King's Inns

Judge Anthony Michael Collins was educated at Trinity College Dublin and the King's Inns. He was called to the Bar in 1986 and to the Inner Bar in 2003.

He has served as a Judge of the EU General Court since September 2013.

Judge Colm MacEochaidh (pictured above) was educated at University College Dublin and the King's Inns. He was called to the Bar in 1987 and to the Inner Bar in 2009.

Judge Colm MacEochaidh was appointed to the High Court in May 2012 and to the EU General Court in June 2017.

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