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No criminal trials planned for March
Pic: RollingNews.ie

25 Feb 2021 / courts Print

No criminal trials next month, subject to review on 15 March

The Courts Service and the judiciary have agreed to continue existing COVID-19 protocols into the month of March. This follows the Government decision to extend restrictions under level five of its COVID-19 plan until 5 April.

In a statement, the Courts Service and the judiciary said they would review the situation on 15 March, taking into account Government and public-health advice, as well as required lead-in times for a phased increase in court business.

As a result, criminal trials due to commence in the Central and Circuit Courts are not currently scheduled for next month, subject to the review on 15 March.

Exception in SCC

Priority will continue to be given to urgent matters such as domestic violence applications. There is one exception in the Special Criminal Court, where trials with a single accused person will start from 1 March.

In order to limit the number in attendance, this exception will be subject to review and compliance with public-health guidance and the court directions.

The President of the High Court, Judge Irvine has also issued two notices relating to civil and criminal matters for the month of March.

Protocols extended

In general, across the courts, work that has been conducted remotely will continue, with the expansion of further technical solutions and remote capabilities to more courts nationwide, including the District Court.

The President of the Circuit Court has also issued orders extending the current protocols to 5 April. The President of the District Court, Judge Daly, has also issued a statement extending the measures adopted earlier this year by the District Court for the conduct of criminal, civil, family law and child care law to 5 April.

The Courts Service says notices and practice directions from the court presidents earlier this year confirming how business would be conducted in the superior and district courts should now be considered to apply for the month of March 2021.

Evolving situation

The courts body said every effort was being made to conduct as much business as possible, but it warned that, given the evolving situation, court business may need to be cancelled at short notice.

A person attending a court or court office to conduct legal or court business continues to be recognised by Government as travelling for essential services and can travel beyond 5km for that purpose.

The Courts Service has reminded court users that they should continue to practice public-health measures, and follow the guidance of the courts and the relevant health and safety protocols.

Gazette Desk
Gazette.ie is the daily legal news site of the Law Society of Ireland