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Topical talks on arbitration matters

28 Apr 2021 / mediation Print

Suite of topical talks on arbitration matters

Arbitration Ireland has three upcoming webinars focusing on topical issues.

  1. On 4 May, (4.30pm-5.30pm) ‘Interim Measures in Arbitration’ will hear from Darren Lehane SC and Peggy O'Rourke SC,
  2. On 5 May (4pm-5.15pm) ‘The Winds of change for the Rule of Law: A Discussion on Climate Impacts and the Role of Arbitration’ will hear from Professor Raphael J. Heffron (EU Jean Monnet Professor and senior counsel, Janson, Belgium), Centre for Energy, Petroleum, Mineral Law and Policy, University of Dundee, UK, and Conor Linehan, head of William Fry’s environment and planning group. The event will be moderated by Catherine Donnelly SC.
  3. On 11 May (4.30pm-5.30pm) ‘Arbitration – controlling time and cost in Innovative ways’ will hear from Arthur Cox construction and engineering partner Karen Killoran, Eugene F Collins construction, environmental and planning partner Margaret Austin, and Sean McCarthy BL,  Bar of Ireland and YPAI.

All of the events are open for booking now.

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