Welfare and supports
Solicitors can access a range of supports to assist them in dealing with regulatory issues.
Guidance & Ethics Committee
The function of the Law Society's Guidance & Ethics Committee is to provide guidance to solicitors on ethical matters that arise in practice. This guidance is provided in a number of ways:
The Guidance and Ethics Helpline: solicitors concerned about their own position on any matter of conduct should contact the secretary (hyperlink to Mary Ann McDermott’s email address) to the committee, who will assist by directing querists to published material, including guidance and practice notes and the Solicitors Guide to Professional Conduct.
CPD talks: in conjunction with the Law Society’s CPD Skillnet team and the Bar Association network, the committee delivers talks on a wide range of ethical matters including:
ethics and professional conduct,
legal privilege,
solicitors’ undertakings,
conflicts of interest, and
transferring files
The Solicitors Guide to Professional Conduct: Last updated in 2022 the Guide represents Law Society policy and recommendations and is the primary source material used for teaching ethics to trainee solicitors.
Panel to Assist Solicitors in Regulatory Difficulty: This panel is made up of solicitors who are willing to assist colleagues who have found themselves engaged in a regulatory process with either the Law Society or the Legal Services Regulatory Authority.
To learn more, visit the Guidance & Ethics Committee page or contact the Guidance & Ethics Committee Secretary.
Additional supports and helplines
Anti-Money Laundering (AML): If a solicitor has a money-laundering concern in respect of a client, you are advised to make a suspicious transaction report. For other queries, email aml@lawsociety.ie
Cybersecurity: cybersecurity@lawsociety.ie
Guidance and Ethics Committee helpline: Committee secretary: David Mulvihill - d.mulvihill@lawsociety.ie
Panel to Assist Solicitors in Regulatory Difficulty: view panel members
Practising Certificate queries: pc@lawsociety.ie
PII helpline : 01 879 8707 or piihelpline@lawsociety.ie
Solicitors Accounts Regulations (including Law Society inspections and reporting accountants’ reports): financialregulation@lawsociety.ie
External supports
View information on supports provided by external bodies or delivered independently of the Law Society below.
The DSBA operates a ‘consult a colleague’ tool – this is a free and confidential service available to solicitors nationwide with any problem whether personal or professional. For more information, contact: 01 284 8484 or visit www.consultacolleague.ie
Check with your local Bar Association for collegiate support.
This provides confidential assistance to members or former members of the solicitors’ profession in Ireland and their spouses, widows, widowers, family, and immediate dependants.
Tel: 01 283 9528
This is a confidential, independent and subsidised therapeutic service that is designed to support the specific needs of solicitors. To access a trained counsellor, contact legalmind@clanwilliam.ie or 01 2055010.
Useful booklets
You can download a selection of booklets with useful information below.