English paper
(3 hours)
Examiner: Professor Terence Brown, University of Dublin
Question 1: Essay
Candidates will be required to write an essay chosen from a number of topics. These will include topics of general social, cultural and political interest as well as a number of more specific topics in such fields as law and ethics, literature, history.
Suggested time to allocate for essay: 1hour and 30 minutes.
Question 2: Prose
Candidates will be asked to paraphrase a selected prose passage. In their answers, they will be expected to show comprehension and to summarise the passage accurately.
Suggested time to answer this question: 45 minutes.
Question 3: Letter Writing
Candidates will be required to write a letter explaining a complex issue or situation, described in the examination paper. They will be invited to formulate the letter in terms readily comprehensible to a specific imaginary recipient.
Suggested time to answer this question: 30 minutes.