Underfunded justice system failing to realise its true potential

Budget 2025 investment needed, says Law Society.

Ahead of Budget 2025, the Law Society of Ireland has called on Government to futureproof the justice system through ambitious, targeted and sustained investment that delivers for all in Irish society.

The Law Society has five priorities for Budget 2025:

  1. Expand access to civil legal aid

    The Government should invest in the critically underfunded civil legal aid system to increase access to justice for all. While the report on the Review of the Civil Legal Aid Scheme is awaited and until the necessary investment is in place, unequal access to justice is failing to meet the needs of many in Irish society.

  2. Invest in the sustainability of the criminal legal aid system

    Ireland must invest in a sustainable criminal defence profession to protect the constitutional rights of people to access legal advice in criminal cases, including the right to legal representation where a person cannot afford to pay for it.

  3. Digitalise the justice system

    Modernisation of the courts system remains slow with rates of digitalisation and physical accessibility lagging other EU countries. The Government must respond with investment to meet the growing demand for digital public services and to allow for the implementation of practical tech-focussed initiatives.

  4. Safeguard the future of access to community based legal services

    Sole practitioners and small practices are the backbone of the legal profession in most communities, providing expertise in wide-ranging areas of law across Ireland. Innovative solutions are needed to attract and retain solicitor practices in rural areas so they can continue to meet the needs of these communities.

  5. Widen access to legal qualifications and support the sector to enhance skills

    Targeted supports are needed to facilitate access and new pathways to legal qualifications including SUSI grant support for hybrid programmes and the development of a new apprenticeship model for solicitor training. Ireland needs sustained investment in people and skills to ensure the legal profession can successfully navigate digital transitions, increased regulation, and business challenges that arise, while also focussing on enhancing legal skills that are fundamental to a thriving sector.

President of the Law Society, Barry MacCarthy, said, “The Law Society is committed to participating in discussion and advocacy on the administration of justice in the public interest. The Law Society’s Budget 2025 proposals can help alleviate existing problems in the justice system, enable greater access to justice, and protect Ireland’s global reputation for leading legal services.”

Director General of the Law Society, Mark Garrett, said, "Budget 2025 is an opportunity for Government to step up its commitment to justice in increasingly uncertain times. Ambitious, targeted and sustained investment is needed to support the Irish justice system, which in parts, is failing to deliver for our most vulnerable people. The current justice system lacks adequate funding and as a result, is simply failing to realise its true potential."

“Having a well-resourced and efficient legal system is critical from an access to justice perspective. It is also of importance in the context of Ireland’s competitiveness. This legal system underpins justice delivery, economic stability and growth, and equality. In turn, a well-functioning legal system can enhance access to justice for individuals while also making Ireland more attractive for foreign investment and international partnerships."

“The Law Society's Budget 2025 priorities focus on securing appropriate levels of investment to deliver the legal and justice system that is critical to a progressive, modern Ireland. By supporting the courts system, providing alternative resolution avenues and ensuring an accessible, substantiable legal aid system, Budget 2025 can provide a platform for continued success across society, industry, and in the delivery of public services."

“Budget 2025 must prioritise access to justice, and the Law Society looks forward to continuing to work with Government to build a justice system that delivers for all.”

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