Eligible Foreign Qualified Lawyer

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This route to becoming a solicitor in Ireland applies if you are admitted as a lawyer in one of the following jurisdictions:

  • an EU Member State
  • an EFTA Member State
  • New York (with one year post qualification experience ‘PQE’ in New York)
  • California
  • Pennsylvania (with five years ‘PQE’ in Pennsylvania)
  • New South Wales (and other Australian States – provided you are eligible to practice in New South Wales)
  • New Zealand
  • Scotland (as a solicitor)

If you are a solicitor qualified in Northern Ireland, or England & Wales see the separate route to becoming a solicitor.

If you are a lawyer qualified in a jurisdiction other than those listed above including a barrister admitted in Northern Ireland, or England & Wales, you will need to undertake the standard solicitor training process - see Foreign University/college Graduate or Irish or UK university / college graduate (Level 7 minimum).

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Certificate of Eligibility to take the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Test 

Before you can take the Qualifed lawyers' Transfer Test (QLTT) you must obtain a Certificate of Eligibility to take the QLTT.

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Qualified Lawyers Transfer Test 

The Qualified Lawyer Transfer Test (QLTT) is a conversion test, which enables lawyers, qualified in certain countries outside the Republic of Ireland, to qualify as solicitors in this jurisdiction.

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When you have passed the QLTT, your file will be passed to the Admissions Administrator. You will be notified in writing of any further requirements at that stage.

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Practising Certificate

It is the statutory responsibility of each solicitor to ensure that they have a Practising Certificate (PC) in force before providing legal services of any kind whatsoever. After admission to the Roll of Solicitors, you can apply for your PC.