Checklist for Requirement 2: Infrastructure
See the checklist below to ensure that your firm is prepared to meet the Infrastructure requirement of the Legal Services Excellence Standard.
Can you provide evidence of the following:
Practice management system,
Computerised accounting solution,
Training in use of case management systems,
Training in use of accounting systems,
Training of staff in software systems such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or alternatives,
Training of staff in email etiquette.
Can you provide evidence of the following:
GDPR policies and procedures demonstrating compliance with the Law Society of Ireland ‘12 Steps’ programme,
Retention policies and procedures created in line with Law Society guidance,
Accounting policies and procedures in line with regulatory requirements,
Office policies and procedures on client confidentiality.,
Policies and procedures demonstrating compliance with AML (Anti Money Laundering).
Can you provide evidence of the following:
Threat model for the firm,
Information security policies and procedures based on the information security checklist,
Firm’s communications are encrypted where possible and sensitive information is always password protected if sent by email,
Appropriate firm training sessions on information security delivered to employees.
Can you provide evidence of the following:
Employee contracts include confidentiality provisions and are robust,
Non-employee personnel contracts include confidentiality provisions and are robust,
Training on firm’s confidentiality policies.
Can you provide evidence of the following:
Acceptable use policy for email, social media, and intranet usage.
Stationary meets regulatory and best practice guidance,
Employees have received communications-policy training.