QLTT Syllabus & Recommended Reading
The Qualified Lawyers Transfer Test comprises an oral examination in Professional Conduct and a written examination in:
- Paper 1 - Constitutional Law and Criminal Law or Constitutional Law and Company Law
- Paper 2 - Law of Contract and Law of Tort
- Paper 3 - Land Law and Conveyancing
- Paper 4 - Probate And Taxation Law
- Paper 5 - Solicitors’ Accounts
- Paper 6 – European Union Law
This examination is offered by the Society twice every year usually in June/July and October/November. Each examination paper may comprise problem or essay type questions or a combination of both. The pass mark for each paper is 50%.
Every candidate for the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Test must first obtain a Certificate of Eligibility from the Education Committee to sit the Test. The Education Committee will also determine on receipt of the appropriate application form and documentation, what subject or subjects the applicant is required to take.
Legislative sources
Candidates may only bring into the examinations the original, unmarked (except for highlighting and underlining) publications. Supplemental material purchased from the Law Society is not acceptable.
PDF Download
Candidates can download a PDF version of the QLTT Syllabus.