Agricultural / Animal Behaviour


Michael Brady

Agricultural Consultant and Recognised European Valuer BAgrSC (Hon), M.I.P.A.V (REV)

The Lodge, Lee Road, Cork.

Consultants and Valuers in Agriculture to Farmers, Agribusiness, Industry and the Legal Profession. Legal Support Services include assessment, calculation and reporting on loss and claims in Agriculture. Our experience encompasses assessment of income loss, personal injury claims, family law, valuations, disputes, CPO’s etc. We pride ourselves in producing concise, technically accurate well-written reports and providing an efficient and professional service to the Legal Profession.


Martin, William J., M.AGR.SC.

Agricultural Consultant and Valuer
16 St. Patrick’s Hill, Cork.

With over forty years’ experience, we provide an expert witness service in all areas of farming and agribusiness at Circuit Court, High Court and at Arbitration Hearings.

Services include:

  • Expert Witness in Court and Arbitration Hearings
  • Farm Income Loss Assessment in Personal Injury Cases
  • Family Law - Farm Reports and Settlement Proposals in Separation, Divorce and Partnership Dissolutions
  • Product Liability Claim Loss Assessment
  • Compulsory Purchase Order Claims


Animal behaviour

Animal Behaviour Clinic

Veterinary Behaviourist & Associate Lecturer
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin
Drumcrowie, Malin, Co. Donegal

Orla Doherty has over 29 years experience leading Ireland’s foremost veterinary behaviour referral practice. Orla has lectured and published internationally on animal behaviour and welfare, and is currently Senior Vice President of the International Society for Equitation Science. Orla can provide expert opinion relating to all and any issues pertaining to animal behaviour, particularly equine and canine behaviour. She can attend on site to prepare necessary court reports and make comment on liability in civil cases regarding any aspect of animal management and behaviour.