Convention for the Protection of the Profession of the Lawyer adopted

14/03/2025 16:19:21

In a historic moment for the legal profession throughout Europe, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted the Convention on the Protection of the Profession of Lawyer on 12 March 2025. 

The Convention is a landmark achievement since it is the first-ever international treaty aimed at protecting the profession of lawyer. This welcome development must be viewed in light of increasing attacks on lawyers internationally, for example, through threats of violence and harassment. The Convention will help to support lawyers in promoting the rule of law with the aim of facilitating access to justice for all.

The Law Society of Ireland welcomes this strengthening of the protection of lawyers across Europe. Through our long-standing engagement with the CCBE, we have strongly supported the adoption of this Convention.  
For the Convention to become effective, each member of the Council of Europe (including Ireland) will soon be invited to begin the process of ratification. The Law Society looks forward to seeing Ireland take this important step.