Complaints handling

In this section of the site, you can learn more about how complaints against solicitors are investigated, and how to respond to a complaint.

Complaints handling - Law Society motto veritas vincet meaning 'truth will triumph'

At a glance

  • Engage: when a complaint has been made, take the time to respond fully to all allegations. Failure to engage with the Legal Services Regulatory Authority may lead to court enforcement action, as well as an order for costs.

  • Discuss; talk things over with a trusted colleague, the Law Society or any of the other supports available for solicitors. This will narrow your focus and keep things on track. If you decide that you require legal representation, the Law Society maintains the Panel to Assist Solicitors in Regulatory Difficulty. Remember, last minute instructions are often unhelpful, as are similarly rushed applications for adjournments.

  • Stay focused on resolution: Stick to the facts and to resolving matters, this is what all parties want and the quicker this is achieved, the better for all.

  • Remember your time limits for appeal: If you are unhappy with a determination, make sure that you seek a review or appeal within the appropriate time-period.