Paper 3 - Land Law and Conveyancing
This examination will be four hours in length and candidates will be requested to answer four out of eight questions. The examination paper will not be divided into sections and, as the subjects of Land Law and Conveyancing are intertwined, questions may well contain a mix of both.
- Modern Irish land and conveyancing law
- Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Act 2009, reform and modernisation
- Continuing influence of equity, principles and remedies
- Ownership of land, including
- Estates and interests in land
- Operation of future interests in land
- Incorporeal Hereditaments, including
- Easements
- Profits à prendre
- Rentcharges
- Restrictive covenants
- Licences
- Rights of residence
- Co-ownership of land, including
- Joint tenancies
- Tenancies in common
- Settlements and trusts of land, including
- Variation of trusts
- Powers of appointment
- Mortgages, including
- Nature and creation
- Rights and responsibilities of parties under a mortgage
- Judgment mortgages
- Succession Law, including
- Wills
- Intestacy
- Administration of Estates
- Landlord and tenant law, including
- Nature, creation and determination of landlord and tenant relationship
- Assignment, subletting and covenants
- Statutory rights and responsibilities of the parties
- Registration of land
- Registry of Deeds
- Land Registry
- Registration of Deeds and Title Act 2006
- Adverse possession, including
- Basis and requirements of the doctrine
- Operation and effect of the doctrine
- Family Property, including
- Family Home Protection Act 1976
- Family Law Act 1995
- Family Law (Divorce) Act 1996
- Conveyancing law, including
- Contracts for sale, including formation, contents and conditions
- Title, including deduction, investigation and requisition
- Possible impact of planning law (especially Planning and Development Act 2000) and family property provisions (point 11 above)
- Deeds, including drafting, construction, form and contents
- Completing the transaction and post-completion remedies
Permitted legislation
Candidates may bring unmarked copies of the following into the examination.
- Succession Act 1965
- Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Act 2009
Recommended reading
- Wylie, The Land and Conveyancing Reform Act 2009: Annotations and Commentary, 2nd Ed., (2021), Bloomsbury Professional.
- De Londras, Principles of Irish Property Law, 2nd Ed., (2011), Clarus Press.
- Wylie and Woods, Irish Conveyancing Law, 4th Ed., (2005), Bloomsbury Professional.
- Wylie, Irish Land Law, 6th Ed., (2020), Bloomsbury Professional.