Professional Conduct - Oral Examination

The Professional Conduct examination comprises an oral examination of approximately 15 minutes. Candidates may be questioned on any of the following topics: -

  1. The Rules of Professional Conduct
  2. The Relationship between Solicitor and Client
  3. Conflict of Interest
  4. Privilege and Confidentiality
  5. The Relationship between the Solicitor and the Courts
  6. The Relationship between the Solicitor and Third Parties;
  7. The Relationship between Solicitors
  8. The Relationship between the Solicitor and Counsel
  9. The Solicitor in Practice
  10. The Remuneration of the Solicitor

Recommended reading

  • Solicitor’s Guide to Professional Conduct, 4th Ed., (2022), Law Society of Ireland.

Supplemental reading

  • Solicitors Acts 1954 to 2015
  • Legal Services Regulation Act 2015
  • The Solicitors Advertising Regulations, 2019 (S.I. 229 of 2019)
  • Solicitors (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Regulations 2020, S.I. 377 of 2020
  • Professional Practice, Conduct and Discipline Regulations
  • Criminal Justice (Money Laundering And Terrorist Financing) (Amendment) Act 2021, Solicitor AML Update, Law Society of Ireland
  • Guidance Notes for Solicitors on Anti-Money Laundering Obligations, (2010 and 2018) Law Society of Ireland.